In Gratitude.

August 3, 2022

In Gratitude. 

I have been the Class Director at Ballard Health Club for over 10 years. I started when Lowen owned the facility. He and Sonya, his daughter, ran a tight ship. I learned a lot from the two of them. Lowen is a stoic and his direct, kind voice gave me confidence. Sonya taught me to step back from a problem and give a voice to all sides. When Pat came along, I wasn’t sure the BHC would be the same. It wasn’t, it got better. I remember the first ‘spruce it up’ list he created. It was the beginning of incremental changes that would build BHC into what it is today. A cornerstone of health and community. Pat has a heart of gold, and he uses it. I learned how to be a leader with Pat. I learned how to be a better communicator and to take responsibility while sharing in the rewards. Every free program we created over the years, Yoga, Zumba, Thriller in the park came at a cost to BHC but they did what Pat does best, he gives back to his community. And that is why I have loved every minute of working at the Ballard Health Club. It has been more than just a ‘job’, it has been an opportunity to help make changes for the better in the lives of our community. It has been an opportunity to be connected with all of you in the common thread of good health, good fun and everything Ballard. Thank you. 

I have loved sweating with each and every one of you and seeing your familiar faces year after year. Thank you to all the instructors over the years, I apologize any failings and am grateful for all your hard work and dedication to making BHC a standard for quality classes. Thank you, thank you, thank you Pat for continuing to keep BHC a place that is safe, affordable and a great atmosphere to stay healthy. It is time  for me to move on and pass the torch. I went to school during the pandemic and am now a Certified Hypnotherapist. I’m not going too far. I will continue teaching my morning classes and will offer workshops from time to time. And Lowen, if you’re reading this, I plan on renting an office on the 4th floor of this very place that is the home of BHC, the Ballard Building. I hope to continue to thrive in this landmark building and remain in our community. 

BHC classes also continue to thrive, and Yoga in the Park up on Sunset Hill is a success. It is the place to be this summer, so if you haven’t wandered up there on a Tuesday or Thursday at 6:30pm get on it before summer is over. Expect to see new classes this Fall both in-studio and virtually. We will have a new Class Director that Pat will introduce.  You already love her, so get excited. Until then, look me up,, and I’ll see you in class!

Karen Gamble
Class Director