There are a few things that set BHC apart from other health clubs. One of those is our higher level of effort and attention to make the Club inviting and enjoyable to our members on a constant basis. With the typical turn-over in membership that occurs with health clubs, we have stated etiquette guidelines to show new and existing members a common set of practices that we encourage for the overall benefit of everyone using the Club facilities.

If you notice guidelines being ignored and it’s bothering members of the club, please inform front desk staff.

The general theme in these guidelines is to help direct common courtesy and respect of fellow members and thus help ensure everyone’s enjoyment of the Club.

Wipe down machines, equipment, and mats after use. We have cleaning stations all over the facility that include spray bottles of disinfectant / cleaner and single use dark towels. Please spray the solution on to the towel and then wipe down everywhere your body or sweat has touched the equipment you have used. You may keep a dark towel with you to clean equipment as you use it, to reduce the number of dark towels that need to be laundered.

Limit rest time between sets to no more than 90 seconds on strength machines or benches. It is understood that using heavier weights may take a longer rest time. The intent of this rule is to stop people from camping out on non-cardio equipment while catching up on emails and/or browsing the web for an extended time. It is certainly fine to interact with a phone as much as one wants while at the Club as long as it is not done while occupying a workout location for an extended time that someone else may want to use to exercise.

Take phone conversations to the lobby or outside. Pretty self explanatory. Just like a restaurant, it is considered rude to have an open phone conversion within earshot of others. Please take any phone conversations to outside of earshot of people using the Club.

Respect others' privacy by not using cell phones in the locker rooms or saunas. All phones have cameras. To insure and respect the privacy of others using the locker room, please do not have a phone in use while inside a locker room or sauna.

Only occupy one machine or station at a time. Simply put, do not do anything to prevent others from using a specific piece of equipment or area when you are using a different piece of equipment or area.

Rerack plates and put equipment back to appropriate locations. After you have used equipment, please re-rack all weight plates and return all equipment to its proper storage area.

Step away from equipment racks to allow access for other members.  When grabbing that set of dumbbells from a dumbbell rack or you are setting up for a kettlebell workout, be sure and step far enough away from the rack for your set to prevent blocking anyone from getting to the rack. This includes the placement of a bench or mat near a place that stores equipment.

Prevent unnecessary noise when using equipment. The main gym is one big room shared by all the members using it. When someone drops or slams weights it can be bothersome to others in the room. We have special equipment to help prevent the sound of working with heavy weights and we promote using that equipment to make using the gym pleasant and enjoyable for all.

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