Update from Ballard Health Club - Unfreezing Memberships
September 30, 2020
Dear Members,
It has been 198 days since we were instructed to close our doors back in March due to COVID-19. Since then, we have carefully complied with every State of Washington requirement. Slowly, Ballard Health Club has been able to expand the use of our facility. Our staff is running as lean as possible and working hard to deliver on the promise of having the safest possible inside fitness environment. The number of members returning to the Club is encouraging (just look at the reviews at the bottom of our home page: www.ballardhealthclub.com).
Since August 10th, we have had Open Gym sessions and our procedures are one of the safest indoor exercise environments that I am aware of in Seattle. These sessions are limited to a fixed number of members and require an online reservation made through the BHC website. As of Monday, October 5th, we will be tripling the number of available visits to over 250 a day and will run from 4:30am to midnight each weekday. We will also be expanding the number of visits available on weekends. Our Virtual Classes have continued to be very successful. If you have not done so already, check out our Virtual Classes at www.ballardhealthclub.com/group-exercise-classes. During the month of October, our Sunday classes are FREE for anyone wanting to check out a sampling of classes that BHC has to offer. Please offer this to your friends and family, we appreciate their participation as much as we do yours.
When we froze everyone’s billing for memberships last March, we had said that we would not unfreeze them until Phase 3 of the COVID-19 reopening was in place (we are currently in Phase 2). Due to the extended closure time and then the gradual allowance of very limited access to BHC in order to properly meet the State’s requirements, we are now in a financial position that is not sustainable. Unfortunately, we simply will not be here for Phase 3 if we do not unfreeze memberships now. Unfreezing billing and re-activating memberships will begin on October 15. Here are your options:
If you are already an active member:
You do not need to do anything. No changes needed and thank you for being a part of the lifeblood of Ballard Health Club!
If you are OK with being unfrozen at this time:
You do not need to do anything, and we will unfreeze your account and reactivate your membership. Thank you for joining in the effort of keeping Ballard Health Club alive!
If you would like to continue to freeze your membership:
Email memberaccounts@ballardhealthclub.com and let us know you want to continue to have your membership frozen. There will be a $7 monthly fee for freezing a membership.
If you would like to cancel your membership:
Email memberaccounts@ballardhealthclub.com and let us know.
In addition, we will be making the following changes:
Any new membership or a membership that has lapsed more than 30 days will have a $20 enrollment fee. All memberships are charged the first and last month’s dues when they are opened except for SGT (Small Group Training) and Unlimited Gym memberships which are only charged for the first month.
The cost for freezing a membership will be $7 a month.
The monthly fee to upgrade from an Insurance Provided Membership (Silver Sneakers, Silver & Fit or Renew Active) to a PLUS membership will cost $20 a month versus $10 for a new Insurance Provided Membership. For existing Insurance Provided Members, this change will take effect on January 1, 2021.
Thank you for your support. Together we will get through this.
Stay Safe!
Pat Gilbrough
Owner, General Manager
Ballard Health Club
New Class - Barre w/Biancana - Mondays and Wednesdays @ 6:30am