Animal Flow Workout

Animal Flow Crab Reach

Roxy is training to become certified to teach Animal Flow,  which is a bodyweight training program that's centered largely around ground-based work. It features animal-style movements that encourage core and shoulder stability and strength, in addition to body awareness - all without any fitness equipment!

Most of us tend exercise in one plane of motion, but in real life our bodies need to be able to move in any direction. This workout starts with a couple of mobility-enhancing moves to prep your joints as well as exercises that help you build strength, stability, and flexibility. A video of these exercises is our our YouTube Channel.

Set your timer for 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest, then get started! Do a total of three rounds.

  • Wrist Circles

  • Gorilla Squats

  • Inchworm

  • Crab Reach

  • Froggers

  • Crab Toe Touches

  • Beast reach

  • Side Kick Throughs

If you're feeling up to the challenge, wrap up your workout with sprints! Try 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, for 5-10 minutes.

If you have questions about this workout or want more instruction regarding how to do the exercises, you can either book a complimentary Fitness Training session or email me at

Roxy Turner
BHC Trainer