Big Shoes to Fill

September 1, 2022

Karen may be a petite person, but she has left big shoes to fill.  The more I get to know this position, the more awe I feel for what Karen has achieved at Ballard Health Club.  I have gotten excellent support, which I am sure that Karen will continue to offer as needed down the road.

Many of you have congratulated me for taking on this new challenge.  I appreciate your warm wishes for success.  I will also appreciate your understanding when I stumble and fall in my attempts to move forward to support the programs we have in place and expand them.  I know that many of you love the virtual classes and many of you want more live classes.  As you can see in the class updates, we have kept the virtual classes and added more in-studio classes. I will continue to do my best to support instructors and satisfy clients to the best of my ability.  

Naturally, I cannot promise that everyone will get exactly what they want.  That would be fun, but my magical powers know their limits.  I can assure you, though, that BHC is a member-driven club.  Pat and the team make member input a priority.  If members want a class, all they need to do is show up.  We will do the rest.

Please don’t forget that Yoga in the Park with Heather on Tuesdays and Marianne on Thursdays both 6:30-7:30 at Sunset Hill Park will continue into September.  If you haven’t come to join us yet, please do.  It is a lovely venue, a great place to practice with a wonderful group of folks from the community.  Bring your friends.  It is free of charge.  All anyone has to do is register on the BHC web site.  

You can reach me at

Marianne Clarke
Class Director