Body Weight Workout
Check out Instagram (@ballardhealthclub) for videos of each exercise, or sign up for a time with one of our trainers for more instruction on how to do the following exercises.
3 Rounds:
5-10 Ring Rows (change angle to increase/decrease difficulty)
10-30 seconds Straight arm hold (regression: touch feet to floor)
10-30 seconds Downward Dog
3 Rounds:
5-10 Push-ups (smith machine, knees, feet, elevate feet, clap, etc)
5-8 Knee tucks from rings (easier, use Roman chair)
5 Wall Walks w/hold
3 Rounds:
5 Ring Dips (can use floor or band assist)
5-10 Pull-ups (assisted or not)
10-30 second hold Pike on a box (extra challenge, use SB)
Lara Roche-Sudar
BHC Trainer