Gym Etiquette


Hello BHC community, 

The man Pat wrote about in his letter this month, Mark Durall, I had the pleasure of working for for over a decade. During that time, I learned many things from Mark about the fitness industry. One of them was how the harmony of the members is critical to a successful club. Mark would say “the club is like an ecosystem” and it takes everyone, members and staff alike, to follow the laws of the ecosystem for it to thrive. With that said, my topic for this month’s letter is Gym Etiquette. 

Let’s start with the low hanging fruit of gym etiquette: re-racking all of your weight-plates and putting all equipment back where it belongs when you're done. All equipment has a home. If we all put everything back exactly where it belonged… eureka! 

Another one never more relevant post March, 2020 is wiping down all equipment with disinfectant spray when you’re done. Handles, bars, seats, benches, mats, consoles, etc. Help keep the club clean, safe and healthy by wiping down your equipment. 

Proper phone usage is another way to have good gym etiquette. Most of us keep our phones with us while in the club for workout programming or videos, timers, music, etc. However, members taking or making phone calls in the club except for in the lobby is not allowed. Should you need to take or make a phone call, please go to the lobby. While we’re on the subject, all phone usage including taking photos is strictly prohibited in the locker rooms

Allowing “working in” is a great way to have good, neighborly gym etiquette. If you plan to do multiple sets on a piece of equipment, be sure to allow other members to “work-in” for a set while you are resting. We encourage members to ask to work-in when needed. Who knows, you may make a new friend!

Next stop, Group Fitness! How can we have good gym etiquette in a group fitness class? First off, be on time. We all run late from time to time, however members that continuously show up after the class has started can be a disruption. Second, avoid talking while the coach is giving instructions. We love that some of our members are friends and want to catch-up during class, but as a courtesy to the instructor and other members please wait for the right time to do so. Finally, wipedown and put away all equipment in its proper place after class. 

In closing, all health clubs and gyms have rules and policies in place for good business practice and to ensure that no one member is more important than another. Gym etiquette is how each member can individually contribute to keeping our club clean, safe, organized, and continuing to be the best neighborhood gym in Seattle. 

Yours in fitness,

Kyle Hyde

Fitness Director