Sandbell Winter Workout (2).jpg

The snow is finally here and it's time to get ready to hit those hills!  Here is a great total body workout that'll get you sweating, get your heart pumping and have you ready for whatever winter throws your way!  It's really simple, just grab one of our sandbells and a step up box and you're ready to go!


Try 2-4 Rounds of This:


-15 to 20 Sandbell Squats

-Push Ups to Fatigue ( not to failure, just until they start to get really hard)

-20 to 30 Lateral Box Step Overs with Sandbell (step laterally of and over the step up box)

-20 to 30 Sandbell Crunches (sandbell on chest)

-Sandbell Carry (walk a lap around the gym holding the sandbell)

-Rest 60 Seconds


Good Luck and Happy Holidays!

WorkoutsBallard Health Club