Member Spotlight - Sue Eastgard (3).jpg

February 1, 2020

1.    How long have you been a member at Ballard Health Club?

I honestly don’t know but at least a couple of years. 

2.    What is your favorite piece of equipment or exercise to do in the gym?

I don’t have a particular piece of equipment that I use; Hattie and Ivonne really mix things up and I like the variety.  I am challenged by doing crab walks with the blue band and I love that it is getting easier. 

3.    Why do you work out?

Because I feel better when I do and because there are a wonderful group of other seniors who laugh and are encouraging and ask where I have been when I go missing for several days. 

4.    What do you do to work out?

I regularly attend the Silver Plus classes that Hattie and Ivonne lead.  When I first started at the gym Ivonne was offering Silver Plus 2 times/week and there were maybe 6 people who showed up.  Now the classes are filled with 20 - 25 people and offered 5 times/week. Maybe it is time to add a Saturday class of Silver Plus!! 

5.    What in the gym has worked for you in attaining your goals?

I set up an individualized training program with Hattie that was helpful.  And after I broke my arm and returned to exercising, the staff were supportive and allowed for accommodations. 

6.    Why do you choose to work out at BHC?

I like the staff who know my name and are so welcoming.  I appreciate the other seniors who attend class and who have become friends. And the gym doesn’t feel pretentious - there are not a lot of people wearing fancy work-out clothes and sporting high-end exercise gadgets.